Christian's Story

Christian A.
The Revival Center, CA

"We were out talking to 2 gentlemen about the Lord when a man came up to us and asked to be born again. We were thinking that this was a kind of odd way to put it for someone who was not a Christian already. We asked him what was going on in his life and he shared a boat load of tragedy and heart ache. We asked him if he was already going to church somewhere and he pulled off his jacket that was draped over his left shoulder and revealed his shinny ZCC badge. We told him that to be born again would require him to take off that badge and give it back. The translators were very nervous to tell him this because in their previous encounters with this cult they would normally get offended and combative. But Amos said "no problem". We got to pray with him and it was very sweet and genuine. After we prayed he said his heart was racing but the second he took off the badge he said he had peace. PRAISE GOD. It was great to see
Amos get what he asked for and to be able to pray for God to help him as he went back to the ZCC to give back that badge and share what it means to be truly BORN AGAIN. "

*Impact Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa. 2011*

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