What do you get with a house full of babies and a broken washing machine?
You guessed it - lots and lots of laundry!!!
Every day we go through at least:
12 wash clothes
12 towels
12 pajamas
12 outfits
12 onesies
12 crib sheets
10 swaddle blankets
60 burp cloths
...and the list goes on...
Needless to say, the laundry is quick to pike up. Without a washer, it seems even greater of a task. Finding time to wash clothes at all is a challenge in and of itself. Fortunately, we have a precious Auntie who mostly helps care for the domestic needs.
I am so grateful for the ability - all my life - to have a washing machine. (It clearly makes a difference.) My tendency to overlook these gifts has been something I've felt particular convicted of. I want to consistently be reminded, not just in the BIG things, but also the small, that WE are blessed by the Maker of all things. He has given us more then we deserve because He loves us. Thank you for delighting in us, Jesus!
A washing machine is a BIG deal. In our busy, structured, caring-for-orphans lifestyle, a washing machine is an even BIGGER deal (we can feel the difference). We are so grateful for this gift.
Soon and very soon, we pray this issue will be resolved - that the machine will be fixed and working once again. But for now, it's time to get my hands dirty...or better yet, CLEANED!!!!
Happy hand washing!