What Purpose?

Hey you...yes, I mean you. No not the person standing over your shoulder reading this (bet you looked [:)...YOU! Did you know that you were created for a purpose? We all were, thanks to our most amazing Creator, God! He had you in mind from the very beginning.
So a few days ago, a great friend of mine and I began our 40-day reading challenge on "The Purpose Driven Life." I am so excited to learn about this "purpose" that God created ME for! I want everything in my life to reflect the beauty of our Creator as much as possible; Just as a child is a resemblance of his/her parents, I want to resemble My Heavenly Father! The first important thing to understand it that it ALL starts with Him! I mean...we would have no world, if God never created it, am I right? In the same aspect, we would not have life if God chose not to create it for us. The good news is...HE DID; and did so because He loves us unconditionally. God loves us so much that He thought about us before we were even born and set us apart, as individuals...for his purpose! [Jeremiah 1:5].
Reflecting on the past few days (3 to be exact) I already feel to stoked about the revelation being thrown my way. I have much to learn, still, but am so excited about doing so.
ps. thanks for helping challenge me in my walk with Christ and helping me force myself to actually read :) you are much appreciated!

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