The Answer
answer: a thing said, written, or done to deal with or as a reaction to a question, statement, or situation:
After the miscarriage of her previous child, Promise had a huge question wrung around her heart. “If God loves me, why did my baby die, why?” She had been wrestling with this, distraught and run down by the pain and torment of a lost loved one, one her heart had been longing to meet.
“Why do bad things happen?” A question never simple to respond to on your own, yet somehow we were filled with more than contempt. We paid a visit to Promise to comfort her in her time of mourning, to be light in the darkness of her despair. Her questions being voiced, our ears inclined to hear, our hearts wrung with angst coupled with an overwhelming sense of peace and compassion. Why did this happen to me? How? Maybe my ancestors are angry at me? Have I been cursed? These are all questions that plagued her thoughts.
Unhindered by personal experience on such a subject, we surrendered the will of our next utterance to the only truth that can satisfy.
We assured her that God’s love is not circumstantial, but rather, unconditional. In a world full of sin, bad things do happen. And that very question, “why do bad things happen?” is something we all wrestle with in hard times. I don't know the answer. But here is what I do know, listen, God still loves you. He will always love you. No matter what you’ve done, or what ever happens to you, God’s love remains. Hebrews tells us that “God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” He will not change. Ever. He is everlasting. His love endures forever.
Pinning my heart was a word the Lord had in that moment, one I had not to think twice about. Grasping her hands, looking her in the eyes, we whispered firmly, “God is going to give you a new baby.” Conversation carried, we continued to encourage and ended our visit with prayer.
About a week ago, I was reminded of this time, sitting in this tiny one-room shack, with our friend Promise. Eyes filled with tears, she expressed the grave sorrow that flooded her heart. We encouraged her and shared this word the Lord had impressed upon our hearts.
On April 29th, as I gathered in the living room with my friends, chatting about life, my phone rang. Promise gave birth to a precious little baby girl on the 25th. I asked if we could come see her the next day, as we would be in the community. She agreed to let us drop by. I proceeded to ask with anticipation, what she named her daughter. Here in the African culture, every name has a special meaning particular to the family life of the child. The phone then cut out. Moments later I received an sms (text message) that said “Remember last year, when you were just meeting me. I told you my baby had passed then you told me God would give me a new baby. Her name is Nhlamalo, meaning "the answer.” This was it!
The team and I, filled with joy, thanked God for the beautiful “Answer” he had given Promise. This is just what Promise was needing in her life, to know that God still loved her and cared about her. He gave her an answer worth waiting for. In the quiet of her one room shack, Promise pleaded with the Lord for something far bigger than herself. God, he is faithful, always. He answers us when we call upon his name. Just trust. Let go and just trust Jesus!
“Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”
-Jeremiah 33:3