Number 2, just for you!

Here goes a lovely video update on the months of March and April! Seriously, I am truly amazed at how faithful God has been in preparing the way for ministry opportunities. The well has been dug  at Impact Kids! We also had the opportunity to go on a sweet field trip to the dairy farm. Also, we began our community census project in Musawawa which will help us better assess the physical needs while implementing spiritual one as well. Check out all the latest scoop on Intern Life Episode 2.

Also, just an update on finances.
Overall need for the rest of the year = $6,795
URGENT need (as of yesterday) = $1,395

Please consider donating so that we, together, can continue to make a lasting IMPACT here in South Africa!

To donate visit using Katie's ID#2504854. Thank you all for your love and support!

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